I translate your ideas and information into drawings on a wall live at your event...it's a fun way of recording facts and dialogues in a way that people will remember, and a brilliant way to start conversations. My favourite jobs are the ones where I am talking directly with the public, and I have done several pieces where I get them to work their own drawings into the mix.

I have worked for a variety of clients from Movember to Bristol University, from the Health and Safety Laboratories to the Lindisfarne Gospels Durham exhibition …and for everyone from PR execs to scientists to children.
The approach is tailored to the needs of each client and setting (conference, seminar, family workshop).
I can work in a preplanned way, or in a 'seat of my pants drawing as you talk' kind of way...most usually I combine the two! Whatever the approach, the basis is always the same… the drawings should be fun and make sense to anyone.
Lots of these 'one offs' have led to me becoming part of an ongoing conversation, a favourite being with Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living...
The approach is tailored to the needs of each client and setting (conference, seminar, family workshop).
I can work in a preplanned way, or in a 'seat of my pants drawing as you talk' kind of way...most usually I combine the two! Whatever the approach, the basis is always the same… the drawings should be fun and make sense to anyone.
Lots of these 'one offs' have led to me becoming part of an ongoing conversation, a favourite being with Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living...
Working on their ImaydIt partnership project with UWE and Fairefield College led to working on this co-designed project. Initially engaged as a visual minuter, I found myself becoming very much part of the conversation and was trusted to lead on telling their story.